About me


How nice of you to read my Super Mamaa blog! My name is Nadia, I am the proud mother of two female dragons. I like to write about my own experiences and adventures as a mother, when ever I can. I share many tips with you of things that I find nice, fun or interesting. I hope they can help you a bit, make you laugh or (preferably) both! On this mom lifestyle blog you will find everything related to motherhood, kids, health and much more.

Who am I?

But first let me tell you something about myself. After my MSc Petroleum Engineering at TU Delft, I worked as an engineer on offshore drilling platforms worldwide. It was tough, but my manager would never hang on the door when I was in the toilet like my kids sometimes do. You probably know that feeling… I always had the day or night shift there for two weeks; sometimes even longer than two weeks. And then I had a long time off. It was a fantastic experience!

An outlet for myself

Now I am a full-time mother at home. And that of course means a day and night shift that never stops. And everything in between, for 7 years now. After a while, I started missing something… An outlet for myself, where I share my endless fantasies. And there are many! As a mom I wanted to regain my own identity a bit, in addition to the daily enjoyment moments with my daughters.

After a long search and pondering I started a blog. Another mom blog, do I hear you think? Yes! Eventually there are also about ten hairdressers within a radius of 700 meters from my house. And they all run fine, so why not? The crux of this blog is that I believe that all moms in the world are Super Mamaa’s. We juggle so many balls in the air and every mom does this in her own unique way. Some days are spicier than others, but when they are in bed I think: I wish I had more children!

Why the name Super Mamaa?

The name Super Mamaa is therefore an ode to all mothers in the world and represents the mission of my blog. All mothers ultimately have the same goal for their children. We want the best for them. And everyone has various ways of doing this. When I was working offshore there were also women who did the same work, with young children. At the time I did not understand how and especially why they did that.

Now that I am a mother myself, I can empathize much better. Not every mother has the luxury of having a job that you can combine with your family. However, in some parts of the world this how it is; taking financial responsibility for your family is then a must. This blog is for all moms: working moms, non-working moms and all other moms who could use some inspiration. Feel at home, have a look around and be inspired Super Mamaa’s!

Love, Nadia